July round-up: Green flag award

The weather finally improved enough to run our first butterfly walk of the year. Not such a prolific count as last year but 10 species nonetheless including the less commonly observed green veined white and large and small skippers. Thanks to the Tillets for organising it and the moth mornings, which are welcome additions to the Common’s wildlife monitoring. The new bat transects are also proving popular with volunteers.

Sue Demont repeated her walk around St Mary’s cemetery with another full house. The ‘Victorian Way of Dying’ proves ever popular as this is the third of these walks for us.

Another of our local historians, Cathy Rowntree, former archivist of Honeywell school, described Honeywell Schools in the 1930s including fascinating memories of evacuation. Air raid wardens' reports and eye witness accounts also told the story of the V1 bomb disaster in June 1944 and its repercussions. 

Finally, we’re pleased to announce that Wandsworth Common has received the Green Flag award for another year, a great tribute to all those that help look after it.